Welcome to Crochetty Crochet!

Welcome to Crochetty Crochet! A new blog started up as an 'aide-memoire' for me, gathering together blog posts, patterns, tips and tricks and (hopefully) my own patterns to share with the crochet community out there in Internet-Land. 

I'm a male, and I can honestly say that I've found very few other males out there who are interested in Amigurumi or Crochet, probably because it has always been seen as a craft that only women are interested in. 

But as a maker, I've always enjoyed any activity that starts with a bunch of materials, and ends with something tangible you can hold in your hand, or give to someone as a gift. 

I started trying to learn to crochet some years ago and just gave up - it wouldn't 'click' for me but after a recent illness, sitting at home playing videogames or watching movies while recuperating, I decided to try Crochet again. I had a scratty set of really awful yarn, the world's thinnest and most useless hook but a ton of YouTube videos and excellent tutorials to follow. Slowly, but surely, I began to make things. 

Here are the first things I ever made - pretty terrible, right?

From there I attempted to make a Baby Yoda...

(the first attempt is on the left - before I started to properly learn different Amigurumi techniques to come up with the one on the right). 

Since then I've become totally and completely hooked on crochet (pun intended), and have made a lot of different animals, creatures and geeky stuff for my daughter and my family. The Doctor Who "Eleven" at the start of the article is something I've just finished off for my Brother's birthday. Who knew that crocheting hair would be so troublesome but crocheting tiny coats is somehow very satisfying!

Hopefully this blog will help beginners learn some of the things that other crochet sites neglect to tell you (for example most will tell you how to BEGIN a magic circle but don't tell you where to go once you've learned that vital technique!)

Eventually I hope to share free patterns and links. If you've got a Ravelry account, hit me up (I'm peejmaybe on there) or just drop a comment below, it's always great to hear from crochet fans across the globe!

Thanks for reading!
