Netflix's "Squid Game" is a violent, bloody and pastel-coloured spectacle that reveals more about the human condition than we'd probably like, but that didn't stop it inspiring me a bit over the weekend, and as Ravelry is on fire with various patterns for Squid Game 'soldiers' I thought I'd try and make one myself.
They have a very distinctive look about them that lends itself well to converting to a simple Amigurumi figure. So I started out with the hood first, crocheted in the round from a Magic Ring (the usual "6x Magic Ring, Increases next round, yadda yadda yadda" until you end up with a sort of semi circle. Repeat the same for the black face but this time finish it off into a sphere (and note to self, use the same gauge yarn otherwise you'll need to pack out the hood / head a bit with stuffing to make it fit!)
From there it was simple to crochet a chain in white, to make the face shape (I had three different shapes planned out, put it to a vote on Twitter whether to go with Triangle, Circle or Square (or cross as a cheeky reference to Playstation's branding). Triangle narrowly won out, so it was time to think about the body.
I tend to focus on crocheting two identical arms first (not as easy as it sounds). Again with the magic ring 6x, this time just extruded out into a long sausage shape (starting with black yarn then switching to red (as I had no pink) once the 'hands' are done).
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