The Yarn Mound


It was almost a year ago that I started twiddling around with a crochet hook, using old scraps of yarn that my awesome Mother in Law had donated to me, while trying to learn the basic of turning something like the above into a real and actual thing. 

I never really expected to become completely obsessed with the stuff, to the point where I now look at knitted / crocheted goods and say to myself "Ah yes, that's Moss Stitch!" or "How the hell did that person get their cabling so NEAT, dammit!"

I haven't put aside enough time lately to knit or crochet, but as we FINALLY seem to be getting some signs of the temperature dropping, I'm beginning to think about my yarn mound and how depleted it's become. I've asked everyone in the family to buy me yarn for Christmas (mostly met with "you want WHAT?") and I'm swiftly trying to use up the stuff I've got. No easy task when you have lots and lots of very small balls (matron!) and can't quite stretch them to make hats or socks with 'em. 

Crocheting and Knitting still provide an island of calm in a completely hectic life that never shows any signs of slowing down. Just the other morning I began a new sweater after not having picked up my knitting needles in a while, and instantly I felt like that's what I'd been missing out on over the last couple of weeks, just that soothing act of shoving yarn around with a pair of pointed sticks until stitches start to emerge, then fabric, then eventually a finished article that looks...OK ish?!

Never expected to still be doing this a year on and even though other hobbies and interests have come back into my life, I still think that knitting and crochet rock. 

That poor Yarn mound though. I think one of the biggest problems I have (and one that my lovely wife and daughter are always quick to point out) is that I suck at picking colours. I always play it safe. I always tend to go for certain brands of yarn, missing out the more expensive end of the market purely because I don't think what I knit or crochet warrants using nice expensive yarn at all (a bit like how I used to feel about decent quality art materials when I'd spend every waking moment drawing or painting). 

So time for new projects. I've got some ideas...a lot of ideas actually. Now where the heck did I put my hooks and needles?
