BACK with a neat little stitch tute and some knowledge to pass on to other novice knitters...


Forgive my scrappy knitting but it's been a while since I've attempted to learn a new stitch, and I just loved the look of Cell Stitch (sometimes also known as wasp nest stitch) so couldn't resist it. 

It's a cable stitch where every 3rd and 7th row you do the necessary cabling alternating between cable stitches at the back of the work then at the front of the work (so they slant in different directions). 

The pattern couldn't be easier so let's have a closer look: 

Cell Stitch

Work in multiples of 8, plus 1 edge stitch on each side (so 42 stitches is a good cast-on for a swatch)

Rows 1 and 5: Knit all stitches

Rows 2 and every alternate row: Knit each stitch in the manner which it's presented (which means "knit the knit stitches, purl the purl stitches - in this case you're just purling them all!)

Row 3: Knit 1 (Edge stitch), *Cable 4 back (which means take 2 stitches to the BACK of the work, knit the next two on your needle, then knit the two from your cable needle), Cable 4 Front (which means take 2 stitches to the FRONT of your work, knit the next two on your needle, then knit the two from your cable needle)* - repeat the stitches between the *, Knit to the last stitch then Knit 1 (Edge)

Row 7: Knit 1 (Edge stitch), *Cable 4 front, Cable 4 Back* (repeat stitches between the * to the last stitch then: Knit 1 (Edge)

Row 8: Purl all

These 8 rows form the pattern so once you've done 8 you'll start to see that lovely cell structure pictured above. 

The bit of knowledge I want to pass on to novices is "What do I do when a pattern says 'Knit in multiples of 12 + 6 plus 1 edge stitch on each side?"

I didn't know this until today (Thanks Hannah on twitter) but basically multiply the number of stitches (12) by however many repeats you want, THEN add the 6 extra stitches, THEN add 2 extra for the edge stitches (so for example you could do 3 lots (36), plus 6 (42) plus the extra two edge stitches (44) - SIMPLE! 
